Saturday, June 5, 2010

Another really wild week

It's been one helluva ride over the last week or two.
Most recently, I got away for a few days - spending some time out in the Black Hills, , getting away from the hustle and bustle of (mostly) the day job, plus rebuilding my computer, apps and data, etc.

To make a long story short, two weeks ago, my computer died, resulting in a whole lot of scrambling, rebuilding, etc. I still haven't gotten my website going. I talked a little bit about the 'festivities' of the last week or so in my last entry, so enough said... However, when I finally got back online, I found several rather annoyed e-mails from people, wondering why I hadn't written back to them.

A couple of the e-mails I received were rather pointed. So I wrote back apologizing for the delay, indicating that my computer had died. Believe me, people understand that. In our Internet Age, it's become one of those universal experiences - now it's just like taxes, car trouble, family emergencies, etc. - everybody experiences them and everybo0dy understands - once they know, that is...

Most of the messages in question were from experiencers - people who had contacted me earlier and with whom I had been dialoging when I went offline. I am continually amazed at the number of e-mails I get from people who have had anomaly experiences. As I read through them, if find a both a high-strangeness and an eerie sense of consistency among their messages. Among the most common things people describe are:
- Strange experiences they can't explain
- miussiung time
- sleep paralysis
- psychic experiences
- seeing/encountering anomalous beings
... and the list goes on...

Many describe the classic alien abduction experience - but many describe other types of encounters as well. As I describe in The Cosmic Bridge, there appears to be a core consistency - the classic Hopkins/Jacobs encounter, what I call the 'standard model'. But there also appear to be a lot of variations on a theme.

I'm just now starting to dig through messages from people who wrote or called while I was offline. It will be interesting to see whether what I find tomorrow will be consistent with info of the last few weeks.

In the process, I suspect that it will begin another really wild week...