Thursday, May 15, 2014

The wonder in our back yards

Draft of my article in the May, 2014 Minnesota MUFON Journal, the CE4 Corner.


In early April, I had the pleasure of attending the Ozark UFO Conference in Eureka Springs, Arkansas. In a word, it was great, a fascinating experience. And the greatest thing about it was the ability to rub elbows, to be in the presence of so many others who really take the UFO and close encounter question seriously.

I drove down with a couple of friends, fellow UFO enthusiasts who also share my passion for hypnosis, hypnotherapy and abduction research. Thus, we had several hundred miles of fascinating conversation about everything from the subconscious mind to the alien agenda - not to mention some deep glimpses into each others' personal stories.

In the days before we left for Arkansas, I had the feeling that something about this trip was going to deeply affect my life. As the days of the conference passed, I realized I had been right. At the conference, I met several people who rocked my world. One of them was an experiencer named Sherry Wilde and it turns out that she grew up only a few miles from where I did. In fact, many of her experiences were occurring only a few miles from my own doorstep.

I often find myself lost in thought about what might be way out there, out among the stars and planets, out in deep space, etc. With news from the planet hunters, NASA's Kepler mission having returned volumes of data, from which we are now discerning hundreds of new planets - at least one of them possibly habitable to us - the sense of wonder is sparked anew. And then I heard Sherry Wilde, and realized once again that her story was not out there, but right in my back yard.

I get several calls a week from experiencers around the country, sometimes around the world. Yet on some occasions, the calls are local. A few days prior to writing this article, I got a call from a man in Minnesota. He had seen several UFOs up close  and had experienced numerous psychic phenomena. I can always tell when it's going to be a long phone conversation - when I hear the "you're going to think I'm crazy but...", and in this case, I was right. He had a lot to say, and to this point, he had never found anyone who would listen.

What again struck me was how this person wasn't somewhere far away. He lived only a few miles from me. During some of the events he described, I should have been able to look out my own back door and see something - perhaps a UFO hovering over his house. (the fact that I didn't is another story in itself...)

As a hypnotherapist, I find myself seeing into the inner recesses of peoples' lives on a daily basis. I hear accounts of deeply private events and experiences - some involving the visitors, some not. Yet what I realize is that the close encounter phenomenon reaches into the very core of the experiencer's life. It lands in your and my back yards, intrudes into our bedrooms and deep into our souls.

Most of us think of the UFO topic as something that's safely far away. They zip around among the distant stars, or high in the atmosphere. However, listening to Sherry Wilde and others talk about the close encounter phenomenon being right here and now, and then getting this local witness call, all served to again drive the point home. The UFO and close encounter phenomenon is right here, in our yards and in our bedrooms. Almost literally, it is in our face. This makes it one of the most mysterious, and possibly one of the most urgent problems our nation and world face.

Who or what are these beings? why are they here? Are they good or evil? As I have stated many times in this column, I don't know the answers to any of these questions. Like any other researcher, I can pose theories, but humanity has very little solid knowledge of the phenomenon. All we really have at the present time are wonder and mystery.

For now, all we can do is try to gather as much knowledge as possible, applying as much discernment as possible as we face the wonder in our own back yards.

Reprint of my article: A Short Pattern to Manage Visual Floaters

This is a draft of my re-written article on visual floaters. It's an updated version of the article I wrote for The book "Through the Open Door, Secrets of Self-Hypnosis," by Kevin Hogan and Mary Lee LaBay. 

Enjoy, and feel free to let me know what you think.

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A Short Pattern to Manage Visual Floaters
© 2000-2014 by Craig R. Lang, CHt

Very common among we 50-somethings, visual floaters are those annoying dark spots that occasionally appear to swim into one's field of vision. At their most benign, they are merely the result of the normal aging process of our eyes. For many years, these have come and gone from my visual field, usually lasting a few days to weeks, and then vanishing. However, during the fall of 1998, one particularly annoying spot appeared, permanently fixed at the center of the visual field of my right eye. This very large dark spot occasionally interfered with my ability to focus - and occasionally even caused a degree of pain.

Several trips to the ophthalmologist established that there was no actual problem with my eyes - no retinal damage, no degeneration, etc.  The good news was that that my eyes, like the rest of me, were merely growing older. The bad news was that there is no treatment for the problem. Floaters are just something you have to live with - even this large obnoxious one swimming in the very center of my vision.

During the months prior to writing this article, in preparation for an upcoming hypnotherapy certification class, I had been reading many books on NLP, hypnotherapy, and self-hypnosis by authors such as Rossi, Hogan and Hunter. Inherent in many of the techniques suggested by these authors was the use of metaphor and guided imagery. An example might be to control pain by imagining a device, perhaps with a control knob that could be turned down to decrease the pain. Since I am an electrical engineer by trade, being both visual and analytical, such a device metaphor seemed useful in dealing with my annoying visual companion.

Also, during this time, I had become very dedicated to the study and practice of meditation, spending approximately an hour in trance each evening before retiring. In the practice of meditation, affirmations are also very significant tools. Some authors [Peterson, "Creative Meditation"] describe them as a means to accomplish useful change through the meditative process. The idea immediately suggested itself that my normal mediation time could be used to install a simple self-hypnotic pattern, reinforcing it using affirmations to help me manage the obnoxious floater problem.

That evening, as I was going into meditation, an image formed in my mind of an optical filtering device, which I imagined in place between my retina and my brain. This device was "programmed" to filter out unwanted "garbage" images, such as my floaters. I mentally switched it on and reinforced it with the affirmation: "You have a filter in your mind that removes unwanted spots from your field of vision". In addition, I installed an anchor on my left hand by touching my left thumb and middle finger (convenient when driving, with your hand around the steering wheel). Descending into a meditative state, while holding my thumb/finger anchor in place, I silently and continuously repeated this affirmation in place of my normal meditative cue words.

The next day was sunny and bright, a perfect opportunity to test my imaginary filtering device. While stuck in traffic on my way to work, the familiar spot appeared. Gripping thumb to finger around the steering wheel and silently repeating to myself: "you have a filter..." the spot abruptly vanished. It remained delightfully absent for several moments - until I moved my eyes. As it reappeared, I again repeated, "You have a filter...", placing thumb to finger. The spot again obediently faded to oblivion. Each time the spot appeared I repeated my affirmation and the spot vanished.

The next several days were clear and bright, affording lots of additional practice opportunity. Within a few weeks, I found that the mere appearance of the spot would the trigger thought of the affirmation, thus invoking the filter. Now, the moment the spot appears it triggers the filter, which suppresses it. The spot has become its own demise.

Visual floaters can be a major annoyance, and might be the sign of a more serious vision problem. Please consult your eye doctor should you experience a sudden or extraordinary occurrence of them. However, for floaters resulting from the normal aging process, this simple combination of self-hypnotic imagery, anchoring, and affirmation can help you manage them conveniently and effectively. A few evenings of trancework, combined with a few days to weeks of practice, and you may find that they have become manageable to insignificant. And the more you practice this technique, the less you will experience your unwanted visual companions.

This article was written at the request of Dr. Kevin Hogan, and can be found on page 257 of the book “Through the Open Door, Secrets of Self Hypnosis” by Kevin Hogan and Mary Lee LeBay.

Bio of Craig R. Lang  MS, CHt

Craig R. Lang is a Certified Hypnotherapist with the National Guild of Hypnotists and the principal of Explore with Hypnosis. He specializes in hypnotic healing work with people who have experienced reality-transforming events such as UFO encounters, metaphysical experiences and sudden psychic awakenings. His dream is to help others to integrate these events into their lives. He also does hypnotherapy work to help people with career, mind-body, and life-quality issues. These include weight loss, pain relief, fear reduction and building personal confidence.

Craig is certified through the Minnesota Institute of Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy, in Minneapolis as an Advanced Clinical Hypnotherapist, NLP Practitioner and Hypnotherapy Instructor. He lives and practices in Minneapolis, Minnesota, working with a variety of clients. In addition to hypnotherapy, his other interests include meditation and research into new-science areas such as consciousness studies, UFOs and psychic phenomena.

He can be reached at his website:, by phone at 612-888-4976(HYPN), or by e-mail at