Just got home from work, the day job that is, after about a 12 hour day. The day ended with my Linux machine dying - at least the network connection within it, which is like rendering the machine deaf and dumb. So I got ahold of the maintenance technician, who gave me a new Ethernet card. Plugged it in - no joy... So it wasn't the card - that meant it was something else more fundamental. I took the machine down to the repair shop and left it with the tech there. He called me a few hours later and told me that they didn't maintain machines that old. So - now what... And that's how my workday ended.
I thought I'd come home and write for a few hours, and I still might. But for the moment, I decided to turn on the TV and veg out for a cwhile. I found a movie on the ABC Family Channel - Eragon. It's playing as I write this, a delightful story of dragons, magic, swordplay, battle and courage. It is also the story of good and evil, and how the two are often hard to distinguish from eachother.
There are days when I wonder what it would be like to be a mythical healer. I wonder what it woudl be like to live in a world where one could use like magic and wizardry for healing, exploration and prophecy. I've been told on several occasions that I'm quite intuitive - one reader once told me that that's where my future is. And today, that seems really appealing.
I guess that, in our society, a hypnotist is something close. In many ways, it is the application of right-brained spiritual work to healing, exploration, etc. - using my superpowers for good, of course. :-) Not sure about the prophecy part, but LBL regressions/progressions probably come close. Also, playing with Peter Sanders' book You are Psychic has been a lot of fun, as have been RV exercises we did in the NCN Psi room a few years ago.
The contrast is impressive. Some times the left brain calls, some times the right brain calls. At times, I love being a programmer and an engineer, working on healing technology (that is, if my Linux box doesn't die on me). It's the closest we can come to being a wizard in this society.
On the other hand, probably the greatest passion in my life is research and healing using the sub/superconscous. And in our society, maybe that's the closest we come to the wonder of magic.