Thursday, June 4, 2009

Intentions and outcomes - more on the challenges of the healer's doorway...

The last couple of days have been interesting - both successful and challenging.

I have booked several new clients and done some rewarding healing work. I have also had a couple of inquiries that for one reason or another, didn't turn into client bookings. Specifically, one woman who clearly needed to do hypnotic work finally begged off with the "I need to talk with my husband and get back to you..." I have found that this usually means "I don't have the authority/willingness to say yes..." So the question is, what is the difference? What are the reasons that someone who wants and needs healing work suddenly decides to back off from the opportunity to receive it? Is there something I could have done - perhaps better salesmanship - to help her step through the healer's doorway into my studio?

I put that question out to the 5-PATH list on Yahoo groups and got several good answers back. The most interesting response was from one member of the hypnosis community who had extensive sales training and experience. Basically she said that to become a healing client (or a customer of any kind) a person must meet the following criteria:
  • They must see a true need for healing - an immediate one.
  • They must be committed to the process of healing
  • They must be able/willing to pay for the work
  • They must believe they have the authority to make the commitment

In the case of the caller I had talked with most recently, the "must consult my husband..." suggested that she either didn't have the immediacy or did not feel she had the authority to make the commitment. Either way, she found a way to avoid commiting to the challenge of the healer's doorway.

The respondent on the list suggested that, since I (presumably) explained the process of hypnosis and established what the healing work would entail and what her benefits would be (and indeed I did), I ultimately did my best. My intention was to offer healing in return for fair compensation and all I can control are my own intentions. Only God/the-Universe can determine the outcomes.

What will transpire with the inquiring parties, I may never know. Often we are the bearers of gifts we don't even know of. And in that, I pray that any verbal help, questions, observations, etc. may have offered her a stepping stone on the way to resolution of the issues in question.

In short, in order to achieve a healing goal, whatever it may be, a person must have the determination. They must also believe that they have the authority/ability to achieve that goal. In short, they must arise to the challenge of the healer's doorway.