- At the day job, a piece of code that I work with extensively suddenly decided to quit working. Somebody out there in the net environment apparently changed something - a link probably - that the code relied upon.
- While I was trying to fix that, I got a couple of calls from people in other departments. It seems they invented some new ways to make the software I have been working on fail.
- Tried to add a guest book and link to this blog on my website. Found that the Bravenet.com guestbook doesn't quite work as advertized. It provides an editor to update the header of the blog, etc. When I placed the cursor over the save button of the editor, the bar at the bottom of the browser displayed the message "error on page". This was also the case when I tried to enter a test posting from the my website (page I was building, not published yet). So I guess no guestbook yet.
- I also tried to create a blog using Bravenet. I had hoped that it would be possible to use RSS to import the blog posts from this blog into my site. No such luck... :-(
- Meanwhile, back at the day job, running tests on another project, today, I found that both the tester and the software under test were thoroughly hosed.
I take my job as a software tester quite seriously. Sometimes, the karma must build up, though, the karma of a software tester. Since I break software for a living, the Universe must now be reciprocating, reflecting my karma back to me. It is now breaking software for me, as well... :-)