Sunday, February 9, 2014

Synchronicity about synchronicity

I just started reading the book, The Synchronicity Key, by David Wilcox.
I'm only about 1/10 th of the way into it, but already it is pushing some fascinating buttons in my own awareness. To begin with, the very fact that I am reading it now is multiply-synchronistic.

Yesterday, while I was sitting at a MN MUFON meeting, I briefly thought about synchronicity. There was a mention of it by the person who was speaking at that moment, I think. Any way, I got to thinking a bit more about it when I saw the person sitting next to me holding and talking about a the book, The Synchronicity Key.

Kaboom!!!! Talk about a kick in the keester... :-)

In addition, I had also been thinking about my book, The Fifth Key, which I am still (somewhat half-heartedly) attempting to get published. I have been considering whether or not to self-publish it on my site - the same place I have The Cosmic Bridge published. As I was thinking this, the very name, The Synchronicity Key just jumped out in my face. It didn't tell me the answer, but it did tell me that the question is still pertinent. Perhaps it means that I should still be looking for a publisher - or perhaps that means I should quit screwing around, and get the story out there by self-publishing it. I can only trust that the answer to that question will appear in its own good time.

Synchronicity is one of those fascinating little elements of life, those mysteries that show up at completely unexpected times. I have always been told that they synchronicities are indicators that you are on the right path. They are in some way, God acknowledging your path, and encouraging you to continue that path.

According to David Wilcox, they are actually a little bit more than that. They are echoes or acknowledgements of your present thoughts, either conscious or subconscious. They are encouragement that you are attuned to - well, to whatever... According to him, they carry meaning, but that meaning will most likely be hidden at that immediate moment.

I have usually found that they carry a deeply metaphorical meaing, symbolically reflecting what I am thinking and speaking to me in dream-like or archetypal symbolism. Many of the things going on in my life at the moment have a lot of metaphorical coherence with eachother. I am curently dealing with the (very long) trailing edge of a head and chest cold. It has manifest itself as a nagging cough, just enough to disrupt speaking, deep breating, singing, etc. I can only wonder if it is a message to me that I need to speak less and listen more. I suspect it is also a reflection of deeper inner questions I am wrestling with at the moment - real meaning-of-life type stuff.

Recently, I have had a lot of rather deep existential questions about where I am going with my business, what focus to take in my hypnotherapy practice, etc. It had reached a point, for a week or two, where I had developed a bit of a confidence crisis. And at about that time, I came down with this head/chest cold. For several days, I lost my voice, followed by several weeks during which a long, lingering cough set in. I'm still in the process of getting rid of that cough as I write this.

Meanwhile, in the last week or so, I spent a lot of time pouring through the Edgar Cayce Foundation life purpose workshop. I also spent a lot of time in deep meditation and prayer. Only time will tell if the answer will truly manifest, but the I thing the result has been a little more clarity - at least I think so, anyway. (hmmmm, ambiguous clarity, what a wonderful contradiciton interms...)

Part of the anwer was that I have been on the right track most of the time, and often haven't realized it. It's easy to lose sight of the big picture, getting lost in the maze, losing the forest for the trees (feel free to use whatever other cliche you want).

The key has always been balance - balancing healing work with close encounter research, balancing hypnotherapy with writing and research, balaincing heart-centered work with the business of business, balaincing work with family time, and so on. And in my casting about for an answer, for which path to take, the more I endeavor to resolve one path or another, the more I find that at least for me and at least for now, the answer seems to be a balance between paths.

In physics-geek terms, it feels like a quantum superposition of answers, like I am unable to collapse the potentialities into actuality. The answer to my quest for resolution is that, at least for now, there is no resolution. There is only ambiguity, and with it a continuingly wonderful chain of synchronicity - including a fascinating moment of synchronicity about synchronicity, itself...
