Saturday, August 31, 2013

Close Encounters and Alien Contact - Why the Government Doesn't Matter

This is a draft of the fourth article in my four part series in The Edge


In 15 years of working with UFO abduction experiencers, I've lost count of the number of times people have asked me 'how does the government fit into all of this?' The question is frustrating because I certainly don't know the answer. Yet it is also a very legitimate one, encapsulating the 64 thousand dollar question. How do the authorities of our world react to a presence from elsewhere that is beyond their control - even beyond their understanding?

At the same time, I frequently hear experiencers describe encounters both with alien beings and with military personnel. What is the relationship between them? Are they working together or do they oppose each other? Or is there a completely different dynamic at work here?

In my last article, I talked about the experiences of "Evelyn," one of the experiencers I describe in my book, The Cosmic Bridge. In that article, I described the initial stages of an alien encounter in which she was floated out of her bed and into a UFO. The result was intense fear and it it took considerable hypnotherapy work before we were able to begin regression. 

After being taken into the UFO, one of Evelyn's next memories is of walking down a hallway accompanied by several of the gray aliens. Through a glass panel on one side of the hallway, she observed a number of aliens as well as humans. At least some of the humans appeared to be high ranking military officers, apparently Air Force. She was compelled to walk down this hall in front of those behind the glass as if being reviewed. 

Was Evelyn actually being observed as part of a joint military/alien project? I don't know. But the account is similar to that of quite a few other experiencer encounters with both humans and aliens while in the alien realm. If we assume for a moment that Evelyn's experiences were not illusory and that the military personnel she observed were exactly that, we are left with tremendous questions. What is the relationship between the military and the phenomenon? Is the military, in some way, working with aliens? If so, toward what end? I suspect the answer is both complex beyond understanding, and yet also quite simple. 

Perhaps viewing the problem from the point of view of our military thinkers might yield a very different perspective. It's the job of a nation's military to protect that nation's security from threats by others. The job of a nation's Air Force is to secure its skies. For the US military, the job is to protect the USA from threats - whatever they may be.

Looking back over the last sixty years or so, we have seen a rapidly growing visitor presence in our skies - undeniable and beyond the reach of our military. Furthermore, this phenomenon is ls kidnapping our citizens and conducting experiments on them we don't even begin to understand. Given that the government's job is to protect its citizens - how do you think they would react?

In my previous article, we discussed some ideas of why the visitors might be here. Given our warlike nature and viewing our world and our civilization from the perspective of "Them" what would one conclude? Now imagine that this planetary species lurching toward its own destruction is developing the capability of carrying that destruction out into the galaxy. If you were the neighbors, what would you do?

In the previous article, and in my book, The Cosmic Bridge, I offer the hypothesis that the visitors are conducting what amounts to a "Human Improvement" project (improvement at least from their perspective). While there are probably multiple agendas behind the visitor presence, I suggest that one key purpose is to somehow modify humanity in preparation for the day when we humans begin to venture out into the stars on our own. 

During the 1940's and 50's, both the US and the Russian air forces had a shoot to kill order. The result was the brutal realization that their abilities are far beyond our own. If they wanted to, they could have destroyed us long ago. Yet they didn't - but they did learn that humans can't be trusted, at least at the top political levels.

So now, rather than Klattu landing on the White house lawn and saying "take me to your leader," contact appears to be occurring from the bottom up, one experiencer at a time. This process is occurring in our very midst. The visitors are able to come and go at will, with governments powerless to stop them. As a result human authorities have no say or control over the process. They are non-players in the contact drama.

Yet, from the point of view of governments, it is their job to create and enforce law and order, to protect their citizens and control their territory. Thus, to any military, the idea of something coming and going at will, abducting and potentially harming our citizens, would be fully unacceptable. Thus, we can imagine that there MUST be some kind of effort to reach technological or military parity with "Them." 

Given the high strangeness of close encounters, the hyper advanced visitor technology, apparent metaphysical and psychic nature of the phenomenon, how can governments even pretend to have any form of control? How could they try to understand the human-visitor interaction if not by observation, covert surveillance and interference in the lives of experiencers. Furthermore, while the government/military can't control the phenomenon, it can do the next best thing, control the people involved.

Many experiencers I have talked to over the phone, interviewed, or conducted hypnotherapy with have also described encounters with menacing but very human figures. They appear to stalk and monitor the experiencer, sometimes re-abducting experiencers following their close encounter experience. Several famous writers on the phenomenon have described abductions by military personnel. In many of these cases, the abductors appear to be trying to discover the reality behind the experiencer's interactions with the visitors.

I suspect government and military organizations throughout the world are all, in some way, trying to understand the phenomenon, come to terms with it, and perhaps gain the upper hand. To some extent, they are simply trying to do their jobs - for better or for worse. Yet contact goes on at the individual level and the government has little say in that process. So the answer to the question of what is the government and military's role in alien contact might just have a very simple answer: Ultimately, the govern doesn't matter.