Wednesday, January 11, 2012

An interesting exercise and a new personal mission statement

I just completed the ARE (Association for Research and Enlightenment) course on developing a personal mission statement. It was fantastic.

I received it when I renewed my membership to ARE (

It is a very structured set of exercises that combine the left and right brain to walk you through the development of a personal mission statement. It includes 12 lesson videos and an associated workbook with exercises involving brainstorming, itemizing personal talents, identifying high (and not so high) points in life, and then using them to figure out what you came to Earth to do.

Here is what I came up with from my own sequence of exercises:

To explore the unknown, and to bring that understanding to the service of humanity:
  • To research/study/explore the unexplained, the unknown and the undiscovered.
  • To seek and discover the truth in esoteric, new science, UFO and contact studies
  • To be a healing bridge between the human world and the cosmos
  • To bring the extraordinary into the service of humanity
I highly recommend this exercise to anyone who is seeking to understand what they are here to do and how to manifest that in their lives - and as far as I can tell, this seems to be just about everybody.