Saturday, April 12, 2014

Day 2 of the Ozark UFO Conference - end of a good long day.

A great second day of the Ozark UFO Conferene. 

In the morning, Anthony Cataldo, producer of the new docudrama, 701 was the first to speak. He talked about the film, and about some of the motivations behind it. He did a screening of part of the film, discussing the 1994 Zimbabwe CE3, the 1996 Varginha, Brazil UFO crash, and other cases. It was a wonderful talk, and I'm glad to see he will be more involved in the MUFON board.

First off, he brings a lot of money, as well as business/publicity savvy to the board - something that MUFON really needs. Secondly, he brings a good sense ofleadership. I asked him if I could model a character in my novel after him. He said just fine. I think I want to make him be a high ranking figure in MUFON, but who has ties to the cover up. And his wife - ooh gorgeous - a stereotypically beautiful Scandanavian blonde. I think I will have the character in my book married to a Nordic hybrid or something like that. After all, she is an alien, of sorts… :-)

Heard Linda Moulton Howe talk this aft, then heard George Noory. Linda's talk was great. George's talk was entertaining.

Linda's talk was great. She talked a lot about Gobekli Tepi and about self-activating machines, the same thing she covered two years ago at the Paradigm symposium. I had heard most of that, and then had to go to get to the MUFON meeting. There was a lot of really good stuff at the end, that I missed, or so I learned later.

The MUFON meeting was good, as well. It was a small group - about 15 or so, from Arkansas, Missouri, Kansas - the southern heartland states, plus myself and Mike Knox from MN (Mike is also from Tennessee and Texas). Not much official stuff business, mostly more face time more than anything else.

George Noory's talk was basically a couple hours of entertainment and meet and greet. He had a bunch of Q&A, with not much A,followed by the meet & greet. I was somewhat less impressed… :-)

I went into vendor room at one point and bought Sherry Wilde's book. I later managed to corner Sherry to have her autograph the book. We ducked outof George Noory's talk and I caught a ride back to the motel Jerry and Carol and I were staying at.

Day 3 is a half-day, presumably because most of the attendees have to get back to Little Rock, or wherever their flights home are leaving. We are staying tomorrow night, then driving back on Monday. I'm having a great time, but it will be great to be home, too.

Also, I need to get a bunch of DVDs for the MN MUFON library tomorrow. In addition, I think I might try to corner a couple of people who might be great speakers at MN MUFON sometime in the future.

Eureka Springs is a wonderful place. It is an old town, back to the late 1800s, centered around health spa hot springs in the area. The streets look old, reminiscent of the old city in a European city. The place has a delightful Bohemian flavor to it - a lot of little artist's colonies, massage therapists and alternative health centers, etc. A delightfully progressive community in the middle of the Bible Belt.

Enough for now - it's the end of a great Day 2. Time to plank and get ready for day 3…