The end of December is the traditional time for taking stock of the previous year and looking ahead to the new. This year, my review list contains a whole lot of things to think about. The biggest of these is how life seems to be changing so fast for so many people, including myself. So many seem lost, yet so many also seem to be starting on new ventures, new changes, new growth.
At the Intuitive Forum,* the monthly gathering at which Katherine Harwig conducted channeling** of entities she referred to as The Light Collective (LC), this point came up repeatedly. I have commented on this in earlier blog posts as the theme seems to be deepening, change accelerating. So in this post, I am examining this at a more detailed level.
Several of the LC comments at the last forum were in response to questions about the results and the process which we referred to as 2012. The 2012 event, now nearly a year in the past, seemed for many to be a non-occurrence - at least on the surface. As far as I can tell, no global disasters occurred. I still had to pay my Visa bill, and lots of other bills as well. Yet beneath the veneer of non-occurrences, there was the sense that something fundamental had changed - but what?
The LC readings often referred to the 12/21/12 moment as a graduation. It was a point where many people (light workers) switched from preparation to implementation. While the fundamentals of life didn't seem to change much at first, somehow the course of events in peoples' lives seemed to alter in a powerful way. A lot of my hypnotherapy clients talk about how in the last year, they reached tremendous crossing points in their lives. More than one has referred to a "tipping point" or a "come to Jesus moment" - all vivid descriptions of that key defining instant when everything in life changes.
In a previous post, I described how several of my friends' marriages were falling apart. Several other friends of mine got engaged - roughly during that same time interval. A couple of other people - close friends of mine - have described how there seemed to be sudden, new life in their marriages, relationships, etc. Life shifts dramatically for some, while for others it remains the same, but maybe in a powerful new way.
At the healers' cooperative where I now have my office, we have had several new practitioners join us. Each of them has also come as the result of a sudden change in their lives, their business, etc. And in nearly every case, that change has turned out to be positive - though frequently masked by challenge.
So where is this change leading us? That was the fundamental question I asked about 2012 in the first place. The question is still there, the answers are as ambiguous as always, but the process - whatever it is - continues to accelerate. So many people I see around me appear to be waking up. The spiritual, mental and psychic dynamics I see in those around me seem to be deepening, growing. The work is proceeding - even if I don't even begin to understand it.
So perhaps 2012 never ended. Perhaps as the year after 2012 winds to a close, we can more clearly understand that the moment some thought would be the end of the world was really a beginning. It was a shift of awareness for some - but for so many, it was nothing more than graduation into a changing world.
School is over. Work has begun.
* Unfortunately, Kathryn has had some very serious illness in her family. Thus she is not at the present time continuing her channeling of the LC. It is not clear what the future of the Intuitive Forum is. It is my fervent hope that Valerie will continue to run the forum, perhaps with other metaphysical help and sources.
** Some notes on channeling:
I have always been skeptical of channeled material, yet at the same time, I have always found such material intriguing. Anyone receiving channeled material needs to use their own discernment. Where does the material come from? Does it square with your own intuition, your own rational judgement?
The process of channeling is not at all understood. Is it actually allowing some non-corporeal beings to speak through a human channel, or is it more of a psychological (or parapsychological) phenomenon involving the channel's sub/super-conscious mind. To a certain extent, the answer to this question is unprovable. Each of us simply needs to use our own discernment and decide on the merits of the material.
Having said all of this, the ideas Catherine has brought out ideas that are powerful, intriguing, meaningful and as far as I can tell, very accurate.