Draft of new article for my column, The CE4 Corner, on The Cosmic Bridge
A few weeks ago, at Explore with Hypnosis, I did a past life regression with a client, who was in
some ways, far more advanced than I may ever be. In the process of our work, we
explored some of the depths of spirituality, things that I had touched on in
the past, but had never gone all that deeply into. In the process, I got into a
dialog with a spiritual side of her that definitely taught me a thing or two.
In effect she was channeling what she said was a higher spiritual being
[my paraphrase, CL]. I always treat channeled information and any information
behind it with a high degree of discernment. Still, the questions she raised
were interesting ones. The result was for me, a fire bath of universal
spirituality (please don't ask me to define that), as well as a lot of specific
messages to the present-day anomaly research community.
One of these messages was that in the UFO research world, we are not
asking the right questions. I asked her what she meant and she told me that our
MUFON work is in pursuit of knowledge, the essence of the discipline of
science, itself. But, she said, knowledge for its own sake is useless. She told
me that instead, we should be seeking with the heart. Spirit is the essence and
the greatest need our world has, and that our (specifically my) focus needed to
be more on that.
In the weeks since that dialog, I have pondered this question. Is she
right? Are we pursuing the wrong goals? Seeking the wrong answers? Are we
asking the wrong questions?
One point often stressed in the spiritual/metaphysical community is
that humanity has advanced in science and technology far beyond our spiritual
and ethical boundaries. The result has been global war, runaway population,
environmental peril, etc. i don't think I need to say much more on that.
Several experiencers who have subsequently begun to deeply study the
UFO question have conveyed a similar message. Somehow, they are told (not sure
by whom) that we are seeking the wrong goal. Rather than trying to figure out
whether the aliens are from a nearby star system, inter-dimensional, etc., we
should be focusing on our relationship with the cosmos. We should be trying to
advance our own level of consciousness, rather than trying to figure out how
the alien warp drive works.
So, in exploring the interactions with the phenomenon, I again need to
ask, are we seeking the right answers? What do UFO studies seek to accomplish?
The stated goal of MUFON is "the scientific understanding of the UFO
phenomenon for the benefit of humanity." For many years, we have focused
on the first half of the sentence, the scientific understanding. But what do we
mean by "for the benefit of humanity"? And how can we bring the
fruits of our research into the service of our world?
In UFO studies, there have generally been two camps. One is a purely
nuts and bolts focus, studying the physics of the unexplained, seeking to
understand UFO flight characteristics, ground traces, medical effects, field
effects, and so forth. They stress solid, evidential, rigorous science. The
other is much more metaphysical, seeking a deeply spiritual understanding and
relationship with the phenomenon.
I began almost purely as the former. I was an engineer, trained in
electronics and electrical engineering. As an UFO investigator, then abduction
researcher, and then as a hypnotherapist, my path has led in a far different
direction - much more toward the metaphysical, much more toward the idea of the
phenomenon as a relationship. And indeed, that's one way to understand UFO
interactions - as a relationship between the observer/experiencer and the
So where does that lead us? What do we do with that understanding? Can
we understand and develop a relationship between humans and visitors? In The
Cosmic Bridge (www.thecosmicbridge.com), we examine the close encounter
scenario and look at ways to understand it. One aspect of this question is what
I call the Indigo Hypothesis. The Indigo Hypothesis proposes that part of the
Abduction phenomenon is focused on breeding some type of genomic changes, which
the visitors are then infusing back into our own genetic makeup. Why? Perhaps
it is to help foster an awakening of some form - resulting in a new generation
of children, many of whom I have observed in the family lines of experiencers.
At least in part, perhaps the phenomenon is giving us a power assist in
our own growth. For better or for worse, I suspect that at least one intent
behind the abduction phenomenon is some sort of "human improvement
project." Perhaps they are somehow trying to alter humanity to be better
cosmic citizens. (It remains to be seen whether this would be better from our
perspective, but from a cosmic perspective, it probably makes sense.)
One of my goals, especially when working with experiencers, is to bring
healing to the relationship between humans and visitors. While healing needs to
be defined in each case, and in some cases none is needed, in many cases there
is a well-defined issue to be resolved - most often fear. Thus, one of my
biggest endeavors in the last few years has been to find better ways to help
people overcome the fear response to the phenomenon and level the playing field
for we humans.
How can we best help experiencers come to terms with the phenomenon,
asserting their own rights as sentient beings in a free-will universe? Can we
begin to forge a "Cosmic Bridge" between humanity and cosmos,
bridging gap between the two worlds in which experiencers find themselves? Can
we also learn to do what the visitors can do, build craft that do what they do,
Personally, I don't see any of these goals as being mutually exclusive.
Even though I have strong metaphysical interests, I'm as much of a
nuts-and-bolts'er now as I ever was. I would dearly love to understand how the
alien warp drive works. Yet we need to pursue many other goals besides
intellectual/technical understanding.
My guess is that this is what the spiritual side of my client was
advocating during our dialog. More than simply a scientific understanding of
the phenomenon, we need to put that understanding to work for the betterment of
humanity. We need to grow our own collective consciousness such that we can
become part of the cosmic community. And to do that, we need to be sure we ask
the right questions.