Shortly after that, I attended the evening lecture, presented by Dr. David Jacobs. Jacobs is the author of Secret Life, The Threat and The UFO Controversy in America. He advocates the position that the visitors (aliens, as he calls them), are in the process of taking over our world. In The Cosmic Bridge, I look at a few of his arguments and suggest that his numbers are a little high, to say the least. Still, he makes some very good, if disconcerting points.
While Greer claims that the ET community is enlightened, Jacobs claims that the process of alien abduction is malevolent. While Greer claims that there is a grass-roots awakening, Jacobs claims that there is a widening program of hybridization that will eventually encompass and take over our world. They are diametrically opposing claims and I truly hope that Greer is right, rather than Jacobs.
Jacobs relies on hypnotically recalled memories from abductees. He has a sizable database of regressions (about 1200, I believe), which is about approximately four times the size of my own case files. He claims that each abductee describes an identical process. He further claims that anything diverging from this is hypnotic confabulation. Anything recalled under non-hypnotic recall is confabulation. Anything that doesn't conform to the norm is suspect.
Hmmm, I guess that means that I am guilty of doing my hypnosis wrong, because I don't get anywhere near the consistency he does. I do get quite a few experiencers describing the process in similar terms to what he does. However, I also get quite a few variations from the theme as well. In the Cosmic Bridge, I talk about degrees of variation from what I call the "Standard Model" or Hopkins-Jacobs abduction narratives - which obviously I have now heard even more sharply defined.
In conversation with Dr. Jacobs, he asked me, how do I know that what I'm getting is accurate? I would ask him the exact same question (and I probably will when I can corner him again sometime this weekend). Hypnosis is not an exact process. The human mind is not a tape recorder. What you get is what is in the hypnotic client's subconscious.
Jacobs claims that abductees are abducted up to about 200 times. He also says that the number is greater than 5 times per year. He also claims that everyone in the family is an abductee if either of the parents are abductees. He claims that at the present time, up to about 5% of the population are abductees.
So let's plug in some numbers. 5% of 8 billion people is 400 million people
If a person is abducted 5 times a year then we have 400 million people times 5 = 2 Billion abductions per year worldwide. This makes about 2 Billion / 365 = about 5.4 million abductions per 24 hour period. In The Cosmic Bridge, I talk about the air traffic control problem with muchmore conservative numbers. This is two orders of magnitude greater than what I had calculated earlier. It takes my idea of the "Air Traffic Control" problem and feeds it steriods.
In short, my "spidey sense" tells me that the Jacobs scenario is very much too high. While there may be a hybrid agenda, and I suspect there is, I don't see anything anywhere nearly that defined. And fortunately, I don't see anything anywhere that malevolent.
In The Cosmic Bridge, I talk about The Indigo Hypothesis - following the family lines of abductees through several generations. Contrary to the finding that the abduction phenomenon fans out in each generation, I find that the lineage of abductee families seems to pass from generation to generation along the maternal family line. My estimate is that the experiencer population is about 1% of the overall population - perhaps this is too conservative but I think it's a reasonable estimate.
The idea of a grass-roots conscious awakening is a a key element in Barbara Marx Hubbard's book Conscious Evolution. In it, she talks about spiritual awakening - a transition that reaches critical mass and takes on a life of its own. In my paper, The Indigo Hypothesis, I talk about how the close encounter phenomenon might just be a key part of that process (though not necessarily). The key is that the contact process is more a grass roots process.
In the present generation (as of about five years ago) of adolescent children of experiencer families, I find that the children - especially daughters - in the family is extremely empathic, psychic, etc. In short they are Indigo children, Millenium Children, New Children, etc. - they are bringing a psychic awakening to society. This seems to corrleate closely with Marx-Hubbard's ideas, bringing about a grass roots awakening across humanity.
If you look at the state of the world, our propensity for warfare, our advances in weaponry and the idea that we are not too far away from deep space (interstellar) travel, the idea that "They" might want to foster an awakening among humanity makes considerable sense.
It this true? Am I right? I don't know but we can better understand, verify and test this hypothesis. And in the end, given David Jacobs' scenario, I certainly hope The Indigo Hypothesis is closer to the truth.