Tuesday, July 9, 2013

The CE4 Corner article preview for July/Aug '13 -- A Stadium full of mystery

Article draft for my upcoming newsletter, News from the Bridge
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July/August, 2013, A Stadium full of mystery
©2013 by Craig R. Lang, MS CHt

This afternoon (on Sunday 6/30/2013, as I write this), while in the stands at a Twins game at Target field, I thought a bit about the number of people there. At any given game, there are probably on the order of about 30 thousand people in the stadium. Later, as we were waiting to get out of the parking ramp, the long line of cars again caused me to again consider some of those numbers. With a Twin Cities metro area of three million people this is about one percent of the metro population.

The number one percent rings a very loud bell to anyone who follows the close encounter phenomenon very closely. This is about the percentage of the population that seems to be affected by the close encounter phenomenon. Thus, the number of people in Target field on a typical Twins game is about the same as the number of experiencers in the Twin Cities metro area.

The immediate question to ask - Is the one percent figure accurate? This number is loosely based on the answers to several polls, including the Roper Poll of unusual experiences [http://www.viewzone.com/abduct.html] . Estimates by different researchers range from 1/10th of a percent to as high as 10 percent. Many researchers suggest that it is about two percent, yet my own gut feel is that this number is a bit high. To me, the one percent figure rings true.

At least one poll done since the Roper polls seem to corroborate Roper's results [http://crab.rutgers.edu/~goertzel/UFO.htm], even though the numbers vary to some degree depending upon how one asks the questions. Yet the estimates remain about the same, roughly one to two percent of the population meet the criteria of being close encounter experiencers.

The numbers are staggering to think about. The population of abductees in the Twin Cities area would nearly fill a stadium the size of Target Field. Or put another way, imagine the entire attendance of the afternoon's baseball game being experiencers.

I recently finished reading the book, Children of the Grays, by Bret Oldham. In the book, Oldham describes in great detail what it is like to be an abductee. He describes the emotional ordeals and the physical challenges abductees go through. Most of all, he describes the isolation from his peers and family due to his burden of knowledge - the awareness of contact with beings from elsewhere.

His accounts offer us something else - they allow us to estimate how often he might have been abducted. From his descriptions, it appears it occurred something like once per week during some periods of his life. At other times, his interaction tapers off to zero, but if his experiences are typical, it would seem (a very arm-wavy estimate) to average out to 10 to 20 times per year during the reproductive years, lets say ages 13 to 45. this is about one third to one half of a person's life. So if a person is abducted about 20 times per year over half their life, we can average it out to 10 per year overall.

30 thousand people times 10 events per year yields 300 thousand events per year in the Twin Cities metro area, or about one thousand events per 24 hour period. One thousand abductions - that's one whopping huge amount of alien abduction activity. My own bet is that Bret Oldham's experiences were/are probably more frequent than the norm. From my own work with experiencers, it would appear that the average rate is more like once per year (1/10th the number described above), clustered in intense bursts of activity at "times of interest" in the experiencer's life. So if we divide the numbers above by 10, we get about 100 abductions per 24 hour period, still a lot of alien activity.  While these numbers involve a lot of guesswork, the bottom line is inescapable. The Grays are really busy little aliens.

In a number of cases, he describes seeing humans - some times a lot of them - in the alien realm. This is quite similar to what a number of abductees have told me. On a number of occasions, experiencers have described being taken to a learning hall, or to a large assembly area, in which a large number of people were present. It often seems that the majority of them are in a comatose level of trance, or otherwise oblivious to what is going on. They seem like some large group population experiment or manipulation.

Oldham also describes seeing human(oid) beings in the alien realm, apparently working with the visitors. Are these beings human or some humanoid life form? If they are indeed human, are they from Earth? Are they some of us, humans drafted by the aliens to help in the process of - well, whatever they are doing? Are these part of the abductee population? Do they figure into the one percent? More mysteries...

If there are one hundred to one thousand people being abducted per night, where are all these people being taken? Do they all meet each other, or does the abduction phenomenon focus on each person individually, in isolation? Many abductees describe seeing other abductees in the alien realm. Thus, at least to some extent, different peoples' encounters seem to occur in a common location.

Researchers often focus on the question of whether the phenomenon really is physical. Does it occupy physical space, occur during physical time and involve actual material beings that carry humans away into the night? Or is there another explanation?

Graham Hancock, John Mack, Jacques Vallee and many others have suggested that at least in part, there is a non-physical element to the UFO/close encounter phenomenon. Perhaps they exist primarily in a psychic (non-physical) reality, as Carl Jung suggested [Jung, Flying Saucers], manifesting in our reality only when needed.

But as a result of a number of investigations [see NW WI Experiencer case], we can conclude that at least some close encounters are real and leave physical traces. In addition, we know that to the experiencer, close encounters are very real, indeed. I think we can conclude that at some point, the phenomenon must enter the physical world. Perhaps as many as 100 to 1000 times per night, strange beings enter our physical reality and interact with humans.

The number of people involved could indeed fill Target field, and with each experiencer, each encounter brings us a myriad of questions. And in the end, we are left with an endless puzzle. It is the equivalent of a thirty-thousand person stadium full of mystery.