This week, we have pretty well settled into the new digs, the Circle of Healing Arts office is now open for business in full force. We've had a good number of clients now beginning to schedule. I've also had a bunch of work as the official CoHA resident geek - lots of IT stuff. That, too has been a lot of fun.
It's great being part of a business that I am an owner of. Being an owner and being an employee have a world of difference. Working on stuff at the coop is like working on your own home. The motivations are the same, the same TLC, the same sense of personal ownership. It is very different from any job I have ever had.
This week, we are starting to get the ethernet in place, to augment the wireless we've been using for some time. We also have to get our scheduler going, set up office duties, etc. - all part of being in a coop, each of us has our duties to chip in. It's a lot of work, a lot of fun, and a real sense of community.
We are planning a grand open house for some time in September. We are also putting together our press releases and creating wellness workshops for the public. We are planning combined complimentary wellness packages for habit changes, stress management, lift your mood/spirits (a.k.a. reducing depression), and lots more.
It's a vibrant time at Explore with Hypnosis and the Circle of Healing Arts. Stay tuned. There's lots more where this comes from.