I'm now decompressing after a fascinating and fast-paced weekend. I spent the weekend at the Lake Harriet Spiritual Community Psychic Fair and it was a wonderful experience. I met a lot of fascinating people, sold a fair number of books and self-hypnosis CDs and, equally as important, I learned a lot.
Saturday was probably one of the best days I've had for visitors to my table. I spent several hours talking with various people about hypnosis and hypnotherapy, parapsychology, anomalies and close encounters, and lots of related stuff. Quite a few people came up to me and told me what was going on in their lives - and frequently, their stories were filled with emotion. I was truly struck at the degree of healing, and the need for healing, that is present in our world.
One continuing favorite at my table was my self-hypnosis CD entitled In the Akashic Hall. It is a guided meditation taking the listener into an imaginary library and to a book with information about whatever question(s) he/she may be considering . In past shows and talks, I have gotten interesting comments about insights people have experienced when they let their own subconscious guide them to their particular answers. And hopefully, their experiences with this are no exception.
The whole concept of the Akashic records fascinates me. It is an ancient Vedic concept that the universe has an underlying information storage - a memory of all that is, has-been and will-be. Until recently, I probably would have poo-poohed such an idea, yet in the last few years, I have read material in the scientific literature about the very same thing.
Michael Talbot's book, The Holographic Universe, was the first to sway my thoughts on the topic. In it, he describes in layman's terms, the non-local quantum hologram. The quantum hologram effectively forms a record within the fabric of space-time itself, a memory of everything - thoughts, physical events, forces, and anything that could be said to exist. When you stop to think about it, this is a truly amazing concept - the idea that there is a 'God' field out there, recording and knowing everything about everything.
On Saturday evening, I attended a talk put on by Dawn Marian, a psychic who specializes in working with the Akashic records. She conducted a reading using her own process and rituals, to address what appears to be happening and what we can expect in the final quarter of this fabled year 2012. In her readings, she apparently dialogs with the keepers of the records, themselves, letting them interpret the questions and answers. While many are probably quite discerning about whether they accept such channeled informaton, I found it thought-provoking at the very least.
One thing she emphasized during the readings was that the transitions that we often refer to as 2012 have already happened. We are in the midst of them. The very fact that the talk had so many people in attendance was evidence for that very point.
She further stated that there will probably not be any one event - a specific disaster or symbolic event.
Rather, she indicated that changes would be within each person. The news is full of portents of disaster. Environmental collapse, war, economic chaos, etc. Her take on this was that what is breaking down is what is already broken. The old needs to be swept away as the new arises.
And what is the new that is arriving? As I plink away on my next novel in the Children of the Stars series, I have been asking this very thing. I have never gotten a really solid (left brained) answer to this question. So I posed the question to her during the reading. She replied in several ways, generally indicating I already knew the answer. Her specific reply was that I should have the main character be on a hero's journey - which is probably the most likely course the book will take.
Like most other seers I have heard address this question, she stated that there will not be any defining symbolic or cataclysmic event. Rather, there will seem to be a continuing acceleration of the pace of events. As we reach the critical point, will that pace climax and then slack off? Her answer was no. Rather, we will collectively appear to catch up to the faster pace.
The next day, back at my table, I noted a even more interest in my In the Akashic Hall CD. It struck me how this self-hypnotic journey could be a great follow-up after having someone do a reading such as I had heard the evening before. I believe that each person can be their own best psychic. By taking the listener into a guided meditation where they can enter the library of the sub/super-conscious, they can access their own higher knowledge. Like any psychic answers, one need to use a lot of discernment. Yet I have found that, looking for the answers in one's own higher mind can be an excellent tool for insight into the deeper questions of life.
It will be fascinating to see what the next few months has in store for us. How accurate were the readings and predictions I heard this weekend? And as the the final quarter of 2012 unfolds, it will be interesting to recall and compare events to what I heard channeled from the Akashic library and from life at a psychic fair.