A few days ago, while in my booth at a healers' trade show, I had the opportunity to talk with a wonderful lady in her sixties. She was a font of life experience with a wonderful sense of humor - and a lot of problems. She had just had her aura read and photographed. She described the reading and showed me the picture - a solid red orb surrounding her body.
As she talked, it became apparent she was under considerable life stress. Her shoulders were stooped, as if carrying a heavy weight. Her voice sounded furtive, as if she were worried that the next person she talked to would hurt her - perhaps once more. I asked her if there was a way I could help her. In response, she described a lifetime of difficulty with pain, primarily in her neck and shoulders. Unfortunately, her situation is all too typical.
When I work with people undergoing a lot of stress, one of the physical manifestations I see is in the shoulders. Posture is often stooped, shoulders hunched and back braced, as if the person was carrying a heavy weight on their shoulders. Indeed, like Atlas, she was carrying the responsibilities and concerns of her world.
Often, stress - or vulnerability to stress - stems from a past event, probably early in life. At some point, an event occurred which instilled fear, perhaps at an early age. During hypnotherapy, as we follow the trail of emotion back into the person's past, we find that something occurred in early childhood - something that told them they were not good enough, it was their fault, or a related fallacy.
As we discover the event, release and forgive whatever the source might have been, and let that tiny wounded child understand that it really does have the capability to handle the challenges of today's world, I often see something amazing. The shoulders relax. The client sits up taller in the chair. Posture becomes taller. It is as if the person has cast aside a heavy weight, moving from fear into freedom.
I'm not all that good at seeing auras, especially colors, but in many cases, I note that as the person't outlook changes from fear to hope, their life field changes as well. One can almost see the change as the weight is shed from the shoulders. Fear gives way to freedom and gives way to becomes joy.