Sunday, April 13, 2014

Day 3 - final notes from Ozark UFO Conference

Today was the wrap up of the Ozark UFO Conferene. It's been a great three days, and now, it will be good to be home.

This mornings talk was by Travis Walton, of Fire in the Sky fame. For readers who are not familiar with the story, Travis Walton was one of a logging crew who encountered a UFO, as they were heading home from a hard day's work in the forests near Snowflake Arizona. They were driving down an obscure logging road and suddenly came across a light in the trees. Hovering over the clearing, was a huge UFO. Walton got out to look more closely and suddenly was zapped by some kind of a beam. it threw him back about 20 (or so) feet, leaving him unconscious.

Thinking he was dead, his companions panicked and retreated down the road, returning a few moments later to tryand find him. They couldn't. Several days of steadily widening search still yielded noresult. Tracking dogs found his trail only up to thepoint in the clearing where he vanished. It's as if a UFO had picked him up - as apparently, it had.

The sheriff's office was convinced that the rest of the crew had murdered Walton. This all went on for several days until, about five days later, he showed up dazed, walking into town. He called his brother from a phone booth and a short time later they got him to medical attention, etc. That's the extremely short version, but you get the gist.

Walton continued the story, describing some of his experiences within the craft, those few he could actually remember. From what he described, and according to his conclusions, it appears as if he was accidentally injured by the UFO, and the occupants took him aboard in an attempt to resuscitate him. He recalled several moments where in a panicky fear-crazed state, jumped up, grabbed a metal object to use as a weapon and threatened the little beings that had been in the room with him. 

Eventually several of them managed to subdue him using some sort of mind-control technique and that was the last thing he remembered. Some time later, a couple of human(oid) beings appeared. Thinking they were humans, there to rescue him in some way, he let them accompany him out of the ship, down a ramp and into some hangar-like area where several other disk-like craft were parked.  He described the background of sunlight through translucent windows, though he thought it could have been panel lighting just as easily. 

Then once again, the human(oid) beings held up a device to his forehead (or something like that) and he lost consciousness. His next memory is of lying at the edge of the road in a nearby town....

He described his interaction with the UFO community, the government and other human agencies - bothpositive and negative. It was quite a story, a very human one. Lots more to come on that story, I'm sure.

Last up was Delores Cannon, giving her recollections of about 25 years of UFO work. I won't comment too much about that, except to say that what she said and did at this conference very much met the expectations I had previously had. 

She was largely doing Q&A, answering questions based upon her book research (nearly all from regression with experiencers - who paid a lot bucks for it), and her own conclusions. 'Nuff sed...
There are many observations possible on her work and her conclusions. I can only admire her dedication, her level of industry and her commitment to a new way of viewing our reality.

I am also fascinated with the techniques she uses - to quote her exact words, she has "reinvented hypnosis." Use your own discernment on that. Her training is pricey, yet her techniques seem to be effective. Regardless of what my views are - and they vary from day today - I still want to take her training some day.

Overall, I thought the conference was great. 
There were some fascinating dynamics throughout, a wide variety of views and many new things to consider. It only goes to remind me one again, just how vast the topic of anomalies, UFOs, and metaphysical experiences can be.

As I see it now, I will definitely be back next year