Saturday, November 9, 2013

Challenges and Changes, Marriages and Mercury in Retrograde

This week was rough, by any standards, not so much for me as for a whole lot of people out there I have heard from. At least three friends of mine are considering ending their marriages. Several other people I know from the healer and hypnosis communities also recently bent my ear, telling me they were at that same point in their lives. Two other friends of mine just finalized their divorces in the last week or so.  It feels like all around me, long stable marriages are crumbling to dust. I can only wonder - what's going on?

Meanwhile, key individuals in a couple of other areas of life have hit the rocks as a result of emergencies in life. It especially begins to look like one activity may be on the verge of ending - the Intuitive Forum is run by Valerie Lis and Katherine Harwig, with Katherine being a key element as she channels the light collective. Unfortunately, she is facing some powerful challenges with illness in her family and thus has had to back off. So we really don't know where the forum is going. Will it be around after December? I don't know. 

At the forum this evening, several people in the audience asked questions about personal issues related to present-day stresses. In addition, I asked about the number of failing (or recently failed) marriages I see all around me. The answers were revealing, and seemed to reasonate with what I have been feeling. (Note: use your own discernment on the actuall process of channeling, etc. I am giving it the benefit of the doubt here, but I can certainlyunderstand anyone being skeptical of the process. All I can say is that the answers from the LC do seem to be uncannily accurate.)

Comments from the LC were roughly that we just went through a "graduation" called 2012. One can think of what was prior to that as being training and that following graduation, the journey really begins. And with the start of a journey is the start of instability, challenge and change. For many, old baggage is being laid by the wayside. As the new journey starts, the old one is left behind. And often, that includes old relationships.

In many other ways, life has been challenging, too. Two other friends of mine who were about to go great guns into the healing world, suddenly announced that instead, they were going to take day jobs. And in that same vein, I have felt very insecure about my own business. While my client load has steadily grown, so have the challenges associated with the business. Clients have come to me with increasingly difficult challenges. 

I have also found that technology aspects of my business - namely getting my self-hypnosis storefront upgraded - have met with some surprisingly interesting problems. Just today, I bought the domain name "". When I tried to get that working with my existing storefront, I ran into a lot of problems. I also wrote on Facebook about the issues I had had trying to get a version control system going for my own software development, as well as for documents, etc. I keep wondering - why is this so complicated? Does it really need to be that way?

Several friends of mine - well versed in astrology - have told me that that's a symptom of Mercury in retrograde. I have to laugh as I think - yeah right. I think we can explain everything we're seeing as being due to Mercury in retrograde. But sometimes it seems to be stuck there.

Mercury is symbolic of communications and related technology. Marriages, business relationships, internet technology, all of these fall into this field. So maybe there is something to it. While I have always been somewhat skeptical of the scientific background behind astrology, the synchronicity is powerful. And as I - and just about everyone I know - go through challenges and life changes, the correspondence seems uncanny. 

According to the LC channelings this evening, the pace of change is accelerating. Like a balloon blowing up, it is approaching a critical (popping) point - maybe it's been there for a while now. Whatever the case, the winds of change are showing up in a lot of peoples' lives. Especially in peoples' marriages, there has been increasingly more turmoil, challenges and changes.