I had a very interesting result this evening, at the Theosophical society meeting. The meeting was on the I Ching, the Chinese Book of Changes. We went through the theory behind it, and then did an exercise in it.
I threw a 63 = water over fire. The interpretation is "After the End = the time of equilibrium reached, going into decline or transition. It is a message of caution, suggesting that chaos and difficulty are at play.
Fire is the essence of change and energy, while water is the essence of spirit. They are opposites of each other, and form an equilibrium and a polarity in themselves. Fire being below, with movement being from the bottom up, indicates that change and transition, energy infusing spirit are the order of the day.
So the general theme of chaos continues - chaos and exploration. Pushing the boundaries of the known has always been my driving passion, and so this makes sense.
The question was how to proceed in my business, with somewhat of a fork in the road, or a duality between research/exploration and healing/service. My momentary, short-term drive has been to boost my healing work. Yet in the long run, all of the messages I get from the Universe are to focus on exploration, which is my true passion.
I have to believe that the two are compatible, yet I don't understand the relationship between the two. So in the end, the mystery remains a mystery, even if the question has been framed a little better.