Draft of my article 'The CE4 Corner' for January/February, 2013
It's now a couple of weeks since the "end of the world" has come and gone. Now life can go on. Yet before we do, perhaps a moment of reflection is in order. What actually happened on 12/21/12? Did anything occur or was it just another day? What do milestones such as 'magic' dates or coincidences mean?
Many close encounter experiencers and other clients with whom I have done metaphysical hypnosis have described changes to occur on or about this time period. And indeed, we are undergoing rapid change in our world. The exact date, the moment of synchronicity, any particular marker of prophecy - each is important and yet is there anything 'magical' about that particular date and time? For many, 12/21/12 was a good excuse for a party. For others it was a spiritual and contemplative moment - a moment where the numbers align. Perhaps they carry a message for us all, or perhaps they are simply interesting lineups on the calendar.
Unfortunately, for some, there is a darker side to all of this. In the few weeks just before 12/21, I received several calls from people - genuine expressions of fear that their world was about to end. In several parts of the world, there were genuine waves of superstitious panic, feelings that the end of the Mayan calendar would bring very real disaster. Fortunately, nothing happened. As most of the spiritual seers predicted, no physical events occurred. Yet they brought our attention to the most important point of them all - that we are in the midst of change, and we have the power/responsibility to choose the road we are going to travel.
On 12/21, during my Friday office hours at Joanie's Metaphysical, in Wyoming, MN, I conducted a mini-meditation workshop, a guided imagery about change and choice. I used my favorite metaphor of traveling down the highway, encountering entrance and exit ramps, forks in the road, etc. The message we all took away from it was that we all have choices to make and each choice leads us to a particular destination. Later on that evening, I attended a another workshop where we conducted a group meditation and put put out the intention for positive change, etc. Then we partied...
In the last few weeks, especially, I've heard a lot of people describe synchronicites - looking at the clock and seeing 11:11, 9:11, or something similar. Or maybe while driving, you might look at the clock and the mile marker and see the same number. You think of someone and they call. You see a license plates on a car that matches the number you are thinking of at the moment - maybe the radio station you are listening to, etc...
The analogy I often use is that of a signpost or a mile marker along the highway. Imagine you are traveling from one city to another - say, you're driving into Saint Paul on the freeway. Somewhere along the road you see a sign that says 'Saint Paul 25 Miles'. Is there anything magical about that little stretch of road? Probably not. The road sign simply means that you have passed a point which we arbitrarily designate as being 25 miles from another point, which we call Saint Paul. It is important in the bigger picture because we now know where we are on the map, and roughly how much time it will take us to reach Saint Paul. The fact that we are passing the sign at a particular rate tells us that a process is going on - we are driving toward our destination. Yet as we pass that sign, nothing overt happens.
Similarly, as the moment of 11:12 GMT on 12/21/12 passed, nothing specific happened. Yet we knew we passed a particular time and that a particular process is in progress. The changes, whatever they are, are in progress. The result will be what it will be - climate change, economics, and if I am correct, a global awakening of consciousness. We have passed a particular point in the process. Yet like passing that signpost, nothing overt happened. It was just a marker along the way - to something...