All my life I have been a space junkie. The idea of travel to the stars has always been one of the driving forces of my life. What will we find there? Who is out there already? What if you or I could actually go there? It has been the corner stone of my life from the starry eyed dreams of my youth all the way to the present day. in the back of my mind, I have always wondered - what would it take? What would it require for "Us" to go "There?"
In all of the work I've been involved with in anomaly and close encounter research, work with MUFON, etc., I have been focused on either the idea of "Them" coming here, "They" being already here, or "They" somehow being part of "Here" - either part of our own consciousness, multidimensional, spiritual or something else. Yet sometimes, I get back to what originally motivated me to get interested in all of this in the first place - the idea of star travel - of "Us" going "There".
In the Cosmic bridge, I suggest that humans are much closer than most of us think to being able to travel to the stars. While most of our efforts in the last fifty years have involved traveling in orbit around our own pale blue dot, I believe they are the just beginning. Given the incentive, I believe there is no limit as to what humans can do. And given the state of modern physics, only the speed of human thought limits how quickly we can do it.
This month's National Geographic had an article on this very topic, traveling to the stars. It looked at a lot of options, primarily dealing with some of the possibilities of interstellar travel such as multi-generation ark ships, robotic probes, etc. The biggest question is, of course, propulsion - how do we go fast enough to cover the distance in a reasonable amount of time - a few years, maximum.
Part of the article was a brief reference to the 100 Year Starship (100YSS) Initiative. So this afternoon, I did a little web surfing and found some interesting articles on 100YSS. Click - I was hooked. This really is kewl stuff.
Unfortunately, what they left out was probably the most promising material - the idea of gravity manipulation. And it is here that, I believe the biggest breakthroughs will come. Everything I have studied in the extensive body of unexplained UFO sightings, everything in current advanced concepts in physics, to me points toward some form of gravity control and warp drive or wormhole technology.
I pulled out some of the more recent books on quantum mechanics - something like "quantum physics for advanced beginners." The key word in that title was "advanced" - I had to scramble to recall the mathematical skills I had let atrophy over the years. Ultimately, I have been able to get the gist of what the author was saying (I think), but if it were a college course, my grade wouldn't be all that great... :-)
Still, it tells me that the knowledge base is there, people are working the edge and that one day there will be enough effort in just the right location to break down that wall of impossibility. Just like humans flying, going to the moon and other "impossibilities", I believe that within a hundred years or so we will have the fundamental physics worked out. Within few hundred years, we will be traveling to the stars, routinely. In short, I believe we will have the capability of star travel sooner that we think.