In the last few weeks, I have found numerous synchronistic references to the question - what will life be like once 'the happening' happens? Specifically, as we progress through 2012, what will we see?
A lot of different new age schools of thought - some with quite a bit of credibility (in my view) - indicate that we are right on the cusp of radical change. These include climate change, some type of mass psychic or spiritual awakening, and a tipping point to some form of social or economic change. Most seem to converge on the idea that by the end of this year, some major change will have occurred - or at least begun in earnest. Yet each person I ask tells me a somewhat different viewpoint on just what those changes are.
In the process of writing my novel series, Children of the Stars, I have been asking this very question. What will we see when...? In the series, I plan to follow a fictional set of characters, the Michelson family, a family line of close encounter experiencers who are key figures in the unfolding awakening. As I move into the next book in the series, the main character is Maggie, the daughter of Kip and Susan, the two main characters in The Fifth Key, the book I am now trying to get published.
This all takes place in the present day (e.g. in the 2012 milieu), against a backdrop of both world crisis and mass human conscious awakening. So one of my big endeavors, as I write this series, is to develop an understanding of what life will be like in, say, 2013 or 2014. Will life be pretty much like it is now - pre-12/21/2012? Or will there be some fundamental shift in the way we live our very lives? Will we still go to work each day, at the same job we had a day/week/month/year ago? Will the quarterly sales report be due for the management briefing? Will you still have to pay your Visa bill?
Last night, at a meeting of the Minnesota Theosophical society, the speaker addressed many of these same questions. He looked at 'What If' scenarios - what if there were no war?, what if we all followed our intuition?, etc... His view, though ambiguous, was that as this year progresses, we will see significant changes, both in the aggregate field consciousness and in current events.
The speaker either said or implied (I don't remember which) that there would be a parting of the ways between those who choose to remain in the 3D world, and those who choose to ascend. It wasn't clear what that meant, but I imagined a scenario something like a rapture, in which reality splits and the population bifurcates into their corresponding separate realities.
A lot of what he said, including this, bounced off of my discernment filter. Simply put, I would be very surprised if anything 'supernatural' like that happened. Yet after some of the things I have heard over the last few years, I wouldn't entirely rule anything out.
My own guess is that the changes will be considerably more subtle. Like the beginning of the Christian era, the age of Pisces, or whatever you want to call it, the changes were tiny at first. The Christina era began with the empty tomb - the entire world changed at that instant, yet only three people in the world knew it, the two Marys and a sleepy Roman guard. My bet is that in the current shift, this change has already occurred and that change is now steamrolling. Just like the empty tomb, some event has already occurred (or will occur on 12/21) that gets the ball rolling. The rest is 'history,' so to speak. Yet my bet is that most will see nothing unusual.
There is a Buddhist saying, "before enlightenment we chop wood and carry water. After enlightenment, we chop wood and carry water." I take this to mean that any kind of awakening really won't change much of anything in our daily lives - at least not immediately.
So what will we see on 12/22/2012? My guess is, probably about the same as we saw on 12/21/2012. Yet at the same time, perhaps some switch will have flipped in the aggregate field consciousness. Perhaps there might be a rash of synchronicities, psychic events, paranormal or anomaly encounters, perhaps some mass UFO sightings, etc. Yet, the course of current events, the flow of history, will probably continue about as it did the day before (though as we have seen recently, that flow may be pretty tumultuous).
We will probably have a continually escalating level of crisis - political, economic, environmental.
Yet I would bet that the average person will wake up on 12/22 (a Saturday, I think), wondering how they are going to get their Christmas shopping done, thinking about what happened the day before at work, taking their kids to hockey practice and ballet, and tuning in to some sporting event on the radio or TV. Most will have little or no immediate sense of any change in the aggregate field consciousness or the overall flow of history. Life will go on.
Each of us, regardless of our spiritual state, tradition, faith, etc., will probably continue doing the twenty first century equivalent of chopping wood and carrying water.