The full impact hasn't really set in but the bottom line is that I feel like life in the seven days has been a kaleidoscope, a fast-moving, ever-changing swirl. In seven days, I went from being a comfortable (sort of) denizen of CubeWorld to a new resident in the world of the self employed. The way I heard that put is that seven days of continuous change makes one weak. :-)
I have heard the difference between the corporate employee and the self-employed freelancer as being analogous to the difference between the house pet and the wild animal. As an wild animal, one has to hunt and forage for food. In the human (business) world, that's called marketing.
So, in the next week, it will be time to take stock, make plans and start taking the next steps toward launching the business. A few things come to mind:
- Look at marketing opportunities. I had ignored most of that while I was working 50+ hours per week in CubeWorld. No time to deliver, much less market my business, when I was spending every waking moment at the day job. Now, that's over. Time to hit the ground running.
- Get my website updated - meaning find new web software to replace MS FrontPage (see earlier article on this).
- Start on the next book after The Cosmic Bridge. I've been wanting to get that going, and now it's high time to quit procrastinating.
Come Monday, it will have been seven days since the week of change began. The initial wave is over. The impact has only begun to settle in but I know that this week, the reality of this new path will begin to take shape.
The seven days have passed and now as I put distance between myself and the events of last week, the perspective takes shape. Now, I begin to see that seven days of change really do make one week.