In The Cosmic Bridge, I talk about possible motivations of the Visitors described by so many UFO witnesses and encounter experiencers. From the perspective of the Visitors, humans are probably a wild card in our part of the cosmos. From their point of view:
- The biggest single human endeavor (by far) is war. We spend far more on killing eachother than we do on any other activity (except for sex).
- We have developed the capability to destroy an entire planet, deliberately or otherwise. At the moment this capability is limited to our own world, but one could imagine our massive nuclear arsenal - plus a few hundred years of development - applied to another world in the cosmos.
- We are probably within one to two hundred years of a working stardrive. As I point out in The Cosmic Bridge, little known advances in electrogravitics, gravity modification and zero-point physics suggest that we are near a breakthrough, perhaps enabling starflight far sooner than most of us imagine.
For the visitors, the spectre of a warlike humanity spilling out into the cosmos represents an urgent challenge - perhaps motivating a massive-but-stealthy intervention in the evolution of our world. Thus, from this point of view, the motivation of the visitors would be something like self-interest-driven benevolence - somehow 'civilizing' we 'barbarian' humans of this tiny blue world.
So what are the intentions of our visitors? If some such as Dr. Steven Greer are to be believed, all of the visitors are both civilized and benevolent. On the other hand, if Dr. David Jacobs is correct in his book, The Threat, the entire purpose of the alien abduction phenomenon is to eventually overtake Earth and somehow subjugate or replace humanity with a hybrid human-alien race. Most likely, in my view, the motivation(s) of whomever/whatever are visiting our world must be many. If there is one group of visitors, then there are most likely many of them; thus there are probably many motivations, some benevolent, others less so. Thus, we are confronted with unpredictable visitors with advanced technology far beyond our own.
There are many actions humans could take in response to the visitor presence. We could either join them - as suggested by some contactees and others with a positive view of the visitors. We can accept their teachings, assume they are benevolent and follow their lead, etc. Alternatively, we can resist them, somehow trying to maintain human sovereignty over our world using some form of either technological or spiritual/paranormal means. Indeed, there are many variations of each of these views, with far more variety than I have even begun to suggest here.
The history of our own world is replete with examples of how a lower technology civilization fares when faced with one of higher technology and military might. Suffice it to say that these lessons are most likely not lost upon our own planetary authorities. While the visitors might be worried about warlike humans spilling out into the galaxy, our own collective leaders may well be worried about less benevolent beings from the stars overtaking our own world. The spectre of visitors bringing to humanity the same fate that indigenous peoples all over the world have suffered at the hands of westerners probably brings nightmares to those in the know.
I often wonder what kind of debates must go on behind closed doors in the halls of power. Behind the walls of the pentagon, I can well imagine questions, debates and more; how are we to proceed against superior technology from beyond Earth. If even one of the accounts of military encounters with unexplained aerial objects are to be believed, then our military - and probably that of every other major power - has been confronted with capabilities far beyond its own.
The 1980 Bentwaters encounter, the numerous nuclear facility encounters in both the USA and the USSR punctuating the nuclear faceoff of the cold war are just a few examples of how the visitors seem to act at will in our airspace. In addition, several witnesses in Minnesota MUFON sighting/encounter cases, particularly several with military aviation experience, have described how UFOs played cat and mouse with our finest aviation technology - with the UFOs clearly having the edge. The message is clear - if it were to come to a military confrontation between one or more of the Earth militaries and our visitors, the visitors would be the winners. Thus, the obvious challenge to the Military leaders of Earth:
- Maintain the illusion of control over the human population of Earth in the face of visitors' extraordinary capabilities
- Enhance our own capability to the point where humans could credibly maintain their own sovereignty in the face of whoever might come here from out there. This would involve capturing and reverse-engineering alien technology, understanding alien physics, etc.
- Deal with whomever is visiting us while keeping the lid on overall contact between humans and the visitors - presumably to prevent cataclysmic destabilization of our own social (and power) structures.
In short, the question is how to somehow engage the visitors from the cosmos while preventing unpredictable damage to our own social fabric - the kind of damage experienced by the Aztecs, the Incas, the Chinese, and so many others peoples of the non-western world. While there is most likely a high degree of self-interest in maintaining the current structures of power in Earth society, I suspect that our various human authorities take their (self?)appointed responsibilities seriously - to protect and defend the sovereignty of our world - or more specifically, their particlar nation(s) and power structures within our world.
So meanwhile the visitors seem to be contacting us from the bottom up, one experiencer at a time. At the same time, our leaders (those overtly elected and perhaps others with their hands on more deeply hidden levers of power) seem to be trying to build our capability to assert our own sovereignty.
I am certainly not sympathetic with any usurpation of the democratic process, constitutional checks and balances, and/or individual human rights. We often hear allegations of these very problems as we learn more about the UFO coverup. There seem to be many excesses and miscues in this human effort. At the same time, we can also understand those who wish to see humanity expand our collective consciousness and join the Cosmic Community, embracing the very presence that so frightens our leaders. Yet, in light of our own history, I wonder if we can imagine the nightmares of those leaders, facing the possibility of humanity at the mercy of beings from out there.
In every issue there are two sides. In this case, while some embrace the presence of the visitors, others fear the effects of open contact and disclosure of the visitor presence. Who is right? Maybe both. I don't condone the alleged actions of the authorities (both the overt and the shadow governments), but maybe we can begin to understand why such might be occurring. I wonder if, given the prescedents of our own history and the vast disparity in capabilities between the visitors and ourselves, we can understand both sides of this complex question.