I have had a number of interesting replies to my last post 'What will we see when...'. The most interesting thing to note is who responded. Nearly all respondents were metaphysically oriented. I have met many of them personally and know and respect each of them. And in each case, the comments they have made are - shall we say - not for the left brained. Like the question, itself, the answers are challenging.
The prevailing theme I hear is that the date 12/21/2012 is unimportant per se. The process has begun and the actual date is arbitrary. I have heard this from many people, including viewpoints ranging from the strongly metaphysically oriented and the most left-brained rationalists. So in the end, the answer to the question, 'what will happen on 12/21/2012' may just be 'not much.' And yet, at the same time, that date may be a marker - a roadsign on the path to transformation.
One interesting analogy is of just that - the roadsign. If one imagines driving on the interstate, entering a city - say, Saint Paul. At some point, one might pass a sign saying Saint Paul, next five exits. This is a sign that we are approaching Saint Paul, but at what point do we actually say that we are nearing the city? We see signs that this is happening, but the actual moment of arrival is uneventful. All we see are indicators, including a view of tall buildings nearby - but we never have a distinct moment when we can say 'I am in Saint Paul.'
Another example, in Christian theology the story of the empty tomb is probably the ultimate turning point. When Mary, Mary and Salome arrived to find the tomb empty, only those three people (and a couple of sleepy Roman guards) knew that something extraordinary had happened. Yet at that very instant, the course of history had changed.
Yet another example I have heard; when a handful of Aztec-era indigenous people saw a boat full of spanish soldiers land on the shore of Mexico, they could perhaps know that the whole world was about to change - and yet only they knew it. What happened instead might just have been the contemporary play of regional politics - regional resistance to an imperial power (the Aztecs) finding a sudden ally in a group of strangers from the sea. While at that moment, the world turned upside down and the full nature of the change was not visible to anyone in the scene - Spanish, natives, etc...
I often wonder, will we notice anything on that day - 12/21/2012? what I conclude from the comments I've heard back is 'probably not.' Yet on or about that time, I suspect that we will notice a lot of change. Indeed, we do now - on this very day - as I hear of a snowballing of psychic and spiritual awakening. Many more experiencers appear to be remembering extraordinary events within their lives. Many more are awakening with gifts suddenly activated, the 'suddenly psychic' phenomenon we occasionally hear about.
Yet the biggest change appears to be simply that of outlook. My ultimate hope is that the change is one of social viewpoint. As transformation comes to pass, I would hope that, as with every social change, it advances the quality of our world civilization. Like the decline of slavery, the rise of democracy, etc., the change will certainly not be painless. Many upheavals and wrong turns occur in every change. But ultimately, I believe the final awakening is certain.
In the end, I believe we will grow and mature into a civilization worthy of the Cosmic Community we find ourselves facing. Our biggest challenge now is to face and surmount what I see as 'the challenge of the answer...'