Ruminations by a newly retired software engineer, closet physicist, explorer, healer and hypnotherapist. Comments on Hypnosis, healing, anomalies, UFO encounters and abductions, spiritual journeys, physics and star travel, and lots more.
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Monday, December 21, 2009
'At last, Someone finally believes me...'
A week or two ago, these words over e-mail literally brought a tear to my eye. They came from an experiencer whom I will call "Lucy" (actually a composite of several callers), who had called me to tell me about her experiences. Like other experiencers, Lucy had been a 'favorite' of the phenomenon, having been plagued by anomalous intrusions for nearly all of her life. And like so many of her contemporaries, she was unable to speak to anyone about her experiences.
The loneliness of this experience must be staggering. As I listened to her speak, I heard her voice waver, breaking into tears on several occasions. She spoke of how her first memories, from roughly age three, were about intrusions by alien beings - strange creatures entering through the closed window. She spoke of the fear that accompanied going to bed every night - fear that the 'strangers' and the 'dreams' would come again.
For some experiencers, childhood experiences sometimes take on a positive character. Some experiencers describe 'magical playmates,' who brought them psychic toys and took them on fun adventures. In one case, which I describe in The Cosmic Bridge, the Visitors appeared in the form of 'fun' little cartoon characters. While on the surface, they seemed to be positive, there were definite darker undertones to the 'fun and games' of these childhood events - but at least on the surface, there was a positive facade. In Lucy's case, there was apparently no such thing.
As we talked, it became apparent that Lucy's experiences were far more numerous than those of most. She indicated that the experiences were nearly nightly, a prodigious rate. If the abduction phenomenon is a physical one, this means that a UFO has had to (her experiences are still on-going) enter Earth's atmosphere and remain undetected as it took its position over Lucy's home every night for several decades. This suggests either that the phenomenon has some incredible level of stealth, or that - at least in some cases - there is an other-than-physical explanation. And yet, given the emotional effects of the experience, it seems absolutely and powerfully real.
From the emotional intensity and the mystery of Lucy's account, we can once again see the power and magnitude of the phenomenon. The biggest of all the effects, however, is that few if any people accept their account. Peers, doctors and psychologists, nearly all dismiss the events, which are so brutally real to the experiencer. Unless the experiencer happens to live in a community where the topic is ‘acceptable,’ she finds herself alone, bearing the weight of two conflicting realities upon her shoulders.
On that day, as the woman I call "Lucy" cried on the phone - the magnitude of her isolation was fully and brutally apparent. After a lifetime of nobody believing her, I can fully imagine her relief when somebody on the other end of the phone line finally listened to her and accepted what she had to say. While there was nothing I could physically do to help her, for the moment just my ear was enough - confirmed by the e-mail the next day when she wrote, 'At last, someone finally believes me...'
The challenge of the answer...
The prevailing theme I hear is that the date 12/21/2012 is unimportant per se. The process has begun and the actual date is arbitrary. I have heard this from many people, including viewpoints ranging from the strongly metaphysically oriented and the most left-brained rationalists. So in the end, the answer to the question, 'what will happen on 12/21/2012' may just be 'not much.' And yet, at the same time, that date may be a marker - a roadsign on the path to transformation.
One interesting analogy is of just that - the roadsign. If one imagines driving on the interstate, entering a city - say, Saint Paul. At some point, one might pass a sign saying Saint Paul, next five exits. This is a sign that we are approaching Saint Paul, but at what point do we actually say that we are nearing the city? We see signs that this is happening, but the actual moment of arrival is uneventful. All we see are indicators, including a view of tall buildings nearby - but we never have a distinct moment when we can say 'I am in Saint Paul.'
Another example, in Christian theology the story of the empty tomb is probably the ultimate turning point. When Mary, Mary and Salome arrived to find the tomb empty, only those three people (and a couple of sleepy Roman guards) knew that something extraordinary had happened. Yet at that very instant, the course of history had changed.
Yet another example I have heard; when a handful of Aztec-era indigenous people saw a boat full of spanish soldiers land on the shore of Mexico, they could perhaps know that the whole world was about to change - and yet only they knew it. What happened instead might just have been the contemporary play of regional politics - regional resistance to an imperial power (the Aztecs) finding a sudden ally in a group of strangers from the sea. While at that moment, the world turned upside down and the full nature of the change was not visible to anyone in the scene - Spanish, natives, etc...
I often wonder, will we notice anything on that day - 12/21/2012? what I conclude from the comments I've heard back is 'probably not.' Yet on or about that time, I suspect that we will notice a lot of change. Indeed, we do now - on this very day - as I hear of a snowballing of psychic and spiritual awakening. Many more experiencers appear to be remembering extraordinary events within their lives. Many more are awakening with gifts suddenly activated, the 'suddenly psychic' phenomenon we occasionally hear about.
Yet the biggest change appears to be simply that of outlook. My ultimate hope is that the change is one of social viewpoint. As transformation comes to pass, I would hope that, as with every social change, it advances the quality of our world civilization. Like the decline of slavery, the rise of democracy, etc., the change will certainly not be painless. Many upheavals and wrong turns occur in every change. But ultimately, I believe the final awakening is certain.
In the end, I believe we will grow and mature into a civilization worthy of the Cosmic Community we find ourselves facing. Our biggest challenge now is to face and surmount what I see as 'the challenge of the answer...'
Saturday, December 19, 2009
What will we see when...
Over the last few months, I have been glued to the History Channel on Wednesday nights watching their series The Nostradamus Effect, depicting the intricate web of (supposedly) corroborating prophecies from multiple sources throughout history. While entertaining and informative, it has offered little actual predictive value in its own right, yet has done a great job of exploring the various predictions and those making them. The series does a good job of exploring the ambiguity of the question - highlighting the multiple, often contradictory predictions. Thus, it merely accentuates the lack of answers to the biggest question of all - what will we see when...
I have posted this same question 'what will we see when...' on several blog sites with varying results. I have also spent myriad hours on the web researching various sites and theories, and have simply asked a lot of people online and in person, what they think will happen. In short, nobody knows but there are a lot of theories.
Scenarios of 2012 are many and varied. Yet they seem to fall into a number of major categories:
- Natural disaster. This is the biggest, most powerful and probably the most entertaining (unless you are at ground zero) set of predictions. One proponent of this scenario, Richard C. Hoagland, is predicting glogal disaster as a result of some form of hyperdimensional energy shift. [I've been looking for a reference on this. So far, no luck]. Others have predicted pole shifts (physical shift of Earth's rotation, shift of magnetic field, shift of the planetary crust, etc), asteroid impacts, etc. The global disaster scenario is the one in which scientists have weighed in most heavilly on, generally skeptically.
- Human-created disaster: These generaly include nuclear war, coupled with economic collapse or some other massive societal breakdown. If a major cataclysm occurs in conjunction with 2012, I suspect a combination of these is the most likely.
- Sudden climate change - the "Day After Tomorrow" scenario: The biggest advocate for this is probably Whitley Strieber in his book with Art Bell, The Coming global Superstorm, in which he advocates that climate chage will be sudden, catastrophic and unexpected. In short, the result of global warming (whether natural or human-caused) could be an ice age. This may be nearly instantaneous and take society largely by surprise. Other examples of past civilizations collapsing because of climate change appear to be those of Easter Island, the Viking colony on Greenland, and the Mayan civilization in MesoAmerica.
- The arrival of Planet X (Nbiru) passing through our neighborhood raises all kinds of holy heck with our planet. This is a favorite of those who have followed Zacharia Sitchin's work. While it is not particularly compatible with what astronomers tell us of nearby planets (or the lack thereof), it still gives pause for thought.
- Political shift - this could be either gradual or sudden, peaceful or violent. In my view, this is likely, whether there is anything special about 2012 or not. My guess is that at the critical moment, this change could take a sudden, unexpected turn - for better or for worse.
- Global psychic/spiritual transformation: This is my favorite, a scenario in which somehow, the psychic interconnections of newly-awakened human beings reach critical mass. I describe this extensively in my book, The Cosmic Bridge. In a relatively short time some form of expansion occurs of the mass human consciousness. It's not clear to me what the effect of this would be on the individual at that moment. Would it be immediate or would it be gradual? Perhaps this is the core of my whole question - what would we see when...
- The singularity - current events, and the information they generate in the aggregate human communications grid, field consciousness, etc., will reach a mathematical singularity - suddeny going to infinity. What this means, I don't know - perhaps it will tie in to the previous item - consciousness transformation. Or maybe it results in a breakdown in the human communications grid.
- Extraterrestrial contact - This is the best-loved scenario of many UFOlogists. It would assume that the Cosmic Community has concluded that humanity is ready for contact. Whether this takes the form of fleets of UFOs appearing over one or more populated regions of the world, or whether it is more of a bottom-up strategy (as I suggest), it might just be an objective of the Visitor phenomeon. Whether 2012 is a critical milestone, I don't know. However, I suspect that if a 2012 transformation is a distinct event, then contact will tie into it - in some way...
- Disclosure of previously secret UFO-related knowledge, held within the most secretive governmental organizations - most noteably, the USA. What would be the impact of this? It will depend upon the information disclosed, of course. This seems to be a steady course of events throughout the world. Hopefully the USA will join the world in bringing its presumed vast collection of UFOlogical data/evidence into the public light.
- Historical transformation: Currents in history seem to shift in ways that are often not visible at the moment. Like the events at the start of Christianity (in Christian theology, the story of the empty tomb, found by the two Marys) or other similar key moments in history, few if any are aware of them at the key moment. Perhaps none present at some key event on 12/21/2012 would notice that their world had changed. It might take many years for such a change to take hold, yet the change will always be seen as occurring at that key instant.
- Absolutely nothing noticable occurs - In this scenario (the favorite of most skeptics), either nothing will happen at all (maybe there is absolutely nothing to 2012), or the change will not be apparent to the perception of the everyday person (see above). In either case, the morning of 12/23/2012 would dawn like every other morning in modern times.
So, which of these will happen? I certainly don't know, but I doubt the items on this list are mutually exclusive. I also doubt that I have identified all of the possibilities (indeed, the list has continued to grow as I write this article).
In addition, I believe that it is impossible to predict what will actually happen. In the words of one contemporary arch-skeptic, "prediction is difficult, especially about the future." If human thought and consciousness are quantum in nature (which I believe), then there is a random element to human thought and action. Thus, current events in human affairs, become inherently unpredictable. Given this quantum scenario, we can only speak of probabilities of events occurring, rather than events themselves.
Ultimately, I suspect that even with the key date fast approaching - two years or less by the time this article goes to press, the future is not cast in stone. I doubt if I will know until the date actually arrives, what will happen when...
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Nobody expects the Minnesota Inquisition
I had arranged to do a trance workshop with a student group at a college in the Twin Cities - a Catholic school, though the student body is of all faiths. There was a lot of enthusiasm for this, as the students were interested in meditation, guided imagery, etc. In addition, progressive relaxation and stress management were very timely as they were just heading into exam week. So, following the talk with the guy who was arranging it, I planned out my presentation, looking forward to a great evening of meditation work.
I got a call from the organizer yesterday, telling me that there was a hitch. It turns out that the church bureaucracy was opposed to the workshop. Catholic doctorine forbids hypnotism, and even thought I referred to it as guided meditation, it was too close to comfort for the conservative folks in the school and church bureaucracy. At the organizer's request, I wrote up a bio and an article on what hypnotism and meditation were all about, sending it to him last night. Today, I got a note from him saying the workshop had not been approved. Nobody expects the Inquisition.
When I told my wife about this, she said that it was good that the school remains true to it's beliefs. I can't argue with that. However, it is still suprising to realize that there are many folks out there who do not understand what hypnotism and meditation are all about. Furthermore there have been many misconceptions propogated about these gifts of the mind (sometimes by mistake, sometimes deliberately). They obfuscate what is, in my view, a healing gift from God. And the biggest propogator of this misinformation is the traditional church - the two thousand year old bureaucracy whose roots date back to the Roman empire of Emperor Constantine.
I have always been fascinated by the history of Christianity, two thousand years of tradition, currents and trends in human thought and action. Still, that same history that brought us the Sermon on the Mount, also brought us the Inquisition, the extermination of the Cathars and Templars, etc. History is so often checkered that way.
A few weeks ago, I watched a History Channel piece on Gallileo, and other thinkers during the rennaisance. Among them, Nostradamus was an interesting example in that he needed to carefully conceal his work from the inquisition. Any questioning or variation from orthodox doctorine was considered heresy and could result in being hauled in front of the tribunal, imprisoned or even killed. During a trip from Provence to Paris for an audience with the Queen, herself, Nostradamus once narrowly escaped being caught by the inquisition in Paris, warned at the last minute by someone in the royal court. Fortunately, modern civilization holds such drastic affairs in check - but not entirely.
In fact, the current head of the Church is from the organization which is, in fact, the direct descendent of the Inquisition. My own sense is that old habits die hard. Any big organization - especially one that is two thousand years old and is, in fact, an independent nation, greatly resists any exceptions to its orthodoxy. Place in this context, this stress management and imagination workshop for a small student group; perhaps you can see it for the microcosm that it is.
I doubt that the Congregation for the Preservation of the Faith, formerly known as the Inquisition (Note: to be fair, the website makes clear distinction between the "Holy Inquisition" or "Holy Office," and the Spanish Inquisition) cares much about a present day stress management workshop. Yet the philosophy remains. Any departure from orthodoxy is treated with suspicion. The bureaucracy which takes upon itself the role of preserving orthodoxy takes its job seriously - whether formally as in burning Templars and astronomers at the stake, or informally, as in denying approval for a student workshop. Even two thousand years into the Christian era, the shadow remains, even as the body itself has (hopefully) receded into history.
Indeed, in dealing with a large orthodox theocracy, Monty Python has a point. To paraphrase and place it into a local context, "Nobody expects the Minnesota Inquisition."