Went to the Minnesota MUFON meeting yesterday and heard one of the most fascinating talks I've heard in quite some time. They could probably be entitled something like "The further adventures of..." - presented by one of our field investigators who had recently done several fascinating UFOlogical and Cryptozoological trips out west.
The first part of his talk was on his trip out to Washington this summer, Bigfoot hunting with the BFRO (Big Foot Research Organization). He had some fascinating stories, and s bit of physical evidence to describe. Apparently, one night while in camp, they were visited by the object of their hunt. They heard a crash during the night, and also a distant howl, often attributed to Sasquatch. The next morning, they found several snapped trees (relatively sizable trunks) and some pretty sizable tracks - definitely not those of a bear.
His next stop was at Jim Gilliland's ranch in Trout Lake, Washington. He spent at least one night there on a sky watch and had some pretty fascinating things to tell about it. Not sure how much they saw in the sky, but he had some great things to say about a Cherokee shaman who was there at the same time. Shamanism has always fascinated me - and it served as a little hook for me back into the metaphysical.
The next part of his presentation was on the Galactic Conference he attended in Denver. This is a fascinating talk and meeting in itself. Much of it was channeled material on how the coming changes will affect us, how this will open the door to open contact itself.
There was more, but I think you get the idea - this talk was fascinating...
I am attaching the rough notes I made from the talk. To see them, click here.
Hope you enjoy reading my rapid touch typing - lotsa typos there, but lotsa wisdom, too.