Some brief notes, since it's pretty late - about five minutes to midnite, actually...
Another great day. Lotsa talks on all aspects of the profession.
Went to several talks on marketing, how to update my website and how to use social networks for marketing. Sounds like I'm doing some things right, and have "opportunities" in some areas. Lots of new ideas to mull over and filter through.
Also went to a couple of talks on new hypnotic inductions and several new hypnotherapy modalities. Both of these were some very new ways of looking at things we had known for a long time. Sometimes, it's the essence of creativity to look at old things in new ways, and this was no exception.
A growing list of things to do coming from today's workshops, the indicator of a very useful conference. Lots more stuff later, as my mind wraps around what I've picked up today and yesterday.
End of brief notes.