My phone rang again a few nights ago - at about 1 O'clock in the morning. This has happened several times over the last month, with varying degrees of seriousness. On a few occasions, it's been someone who had a few too many and decided to call the 'UFO guy' he read about on the web a few days before. Those calls don't last long, fortunately. Then there are the other ones - the calls that really get my attention - calls from someone who has had a very legitimate and very frightening experience.
I've gotten a few more of those in the last few weeks - not sure why, but I suspect that the common mythology of 2012 has something to do with it. The person sounds genuinely puzzled and legitimately frightened. A few days ago (as of the time of this writing), I got a call from someone who had just gotten a 'download'. She didn't think she had been abducted, but somehow she awoke in the morning with a vast storehouse of knowledge in her mind and an urgent mission - she just didn't know what that mission was. All she knew was that she had received an uninvited and unwelcome call from 'out there.'
Another caller told me about his abduction and sudden knowledge. Until about a year before, he had never had anything unusual happen. Then, suddenly, he had begun to experience unexplained events - close UFO sightings, missing time, strange health problems, etc.
When a person tells me they have never had anything unusual happen before that point, I wonder - do they simply not remember such events? Or is there a sudden new aspect to their lives? If so, has something in their relationship with the Universe abruptly changed? Or, alternatively, has their mental health changed? How do we know the difference? Can we really tell that difference at all?
Another caller, a couple of weeks before told me that he, too had begun to have strange occurrences. A particular being had begun routinely showing up in his life. Not human, the caller felt the being was an alien trying to contact him. When I asked further, the caller told me that he had never had anything happen until a few years before. When I asked him how old he was at that time, he said 'twenty'.
Alarm bells went off in my mind. If you have seen the movie, 'A Beautiful Mind', you will recall that this is about the age when the main character began experiencing wild scenarios in his life, scenarios that turned out to be entirely fantastical. Several mental illnesses apparently begin to onset at that age - why? I don't know. This is a topic of intense research at the moment. But for me, the best thing to do is to make sure that the caller is connected with his/her mental health system.
Many experiencers - regardless of what they are experiencing - tend to be leery of that same mental health system. Regardless of whether their unexplained events are the result of physical entities from beyond our world, or from within their own central nervous system, the implication that their phenomenal visitation is the result of some illness is at best, invalidating. Yet, if there is a medial problem, the health system is the very place they need to go.
Usually, it is important to visit a mental health professional, if only to rule out the more prosaic events. If there really is a health concern, then hopefully the general health process will catch it. If not, then we are left with the elements of a phenomenon that can defy ordinary explanations.
In the case of my twenty year old caller, I asked him if he had visited his doctor? He indicated that he had, and that he had been diagnosed with Schizophrenia. He didn't believe the diagnosis and refused to take any medications. I thanked him for his time and told him there wasn't much I could do. In order to distinguish between health issues and other causes, I suggested he needed to work with his doctor. Our conversation ended at that point, with the unhappy caller giving me a few choice words, quickly followed by a dial tone.
Unfortunately, I couldn't help the person on the other end of the line. However, on most occasions, I have been able to connect him/her with a local MUFON organization, a hypnotherapist in their area, or something along those lines. For many, simply knowing that there are resources available is a great relief. Ultimately, I can only hope that the particular caller has completed the connection, and found the help they need
Is the volume of experiences increasing? Judging by the number of people I have heard from in recent months, it appears to be picking up in pace. Is this a sign of the times? As we gallop toward the historically critical moments of December 21, 2012, will researchers continue to hear more reports of - of what? Is there a real phenomenon out there - extraordinary and unexplained? And is its interaction with humanity picking up in pace? Or is this a social phenomenon - perhaps partially driven by the cultural intensity of the 2012 narrative? Or might it be something else, perhaps something we don't understand at all? In the end, I can only guess - and wait for the next caller from out there.